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A to Z of useful information

Click on a topic to show the answer.

  • Absences and Holidays

    Please visit our Absence page here


  • Access to Records and Documents

    Hampshire records are confidential to the school and the child's parents. Given reasonable notice, parents may view their child's school records and the documents listed below:

    • Policy statements of the School Governors, the Department for Children, Schools and Families and Hampshire Children’s Services.
    • Schemes of work for each year group.
    • Complaints procedures for C of E Aided schools.
    • All published reports relating to the school made by Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools.
    • Hampshire’s statement on equal opportunities.
    • Minutes of school governors meetings.

  • Accessibility

    Accessibility for visitors at All Saints C. of E. Junior School

    • The reception area is clearly signposted
    • There are two disabled parking spaces near to the main entrance
    • There is a ramp to the main entrance
    • The outer doors open automatically
    • Footpaths are wide, smooth and slip resistant
    • The entry procedure is displayed in large print
    • Safety instructions are displayed in large print
    • The reception desk is split level so as to be easily accessible from a wheel chair
    • Although there is no knee room on the outside of the reception desk, a  clipboard is provided for use by wheel chair users who need a flat surface to write on
    • There is a disabled toilet
    • The fire alarm sounders have a flashing light on them
    • Doors are different in colour to their frames so as to provide contrast for people who are partially sighted
    • Visitors are asked to request assistance on arrival if required



  • Admissions

    Our Admissions page under the Information tab has everything you need to know about admissions and appeals.

    Click on this link to go there

    All Saints Junior School - Admissions 


  • Allergies

    We have a number of children who have allergic reactions to eating particular foods, some of them even just by close contact with that food.  We would therefore like to remind you that packed lunches or snacks should not contain nuts of any kind, peanut butter, chocolate spread (if it contains nuts) or bread that has sesame seeds on.  Please do check all ingredient lists on items for lunch boxes/snacks. Because of the breadth of food types that children can be allergic to can we ask you please to explain to your child that lovely as it is to share, they must not share their food with other children.


  • ASSA - our PTA

    See PTA in this A to Z list


  • Assessment

    Information on how we assess work can be found on the Assessment page under the Curriculum tab.

     Click here to go there


  • Behaviour and Discipline

    The staff and the governing body believe that children need their school to be a caring and safe community in which their learning and personal development will be unhindered by improper behaviour on the part of others.

    To establish such a community, the Headteacher, staff and Governing Body have set in place a behaviour policy which is based on a system of rewards and sanctions to be applied consistently and fairly throughout the school.

    It is hoped that through the implementation of this policy and associated procedures, pupils will take responsibility for their own actions and respect the rights of others.

    The Anti Bullying Policy, Behaviour Policy and our Anti-Bullying booklet for children can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Breakfast and After School Club

    The Breakfast Club and After School Club is run by KOOSA Kids.
    To find out more and book places see their website.   http://www.koosakids.co.uk/


  • Calendar of school dates

    Our calendar can be found under the News and Dates tab. Click here to go there


  • Clubs

    We provide a wide range of activities and clubs which are run voluntarily by members of staff and parents or by external providers.

    These activities run during the lunch hour or after school. At the beginning of each term, the list of clubs available will be sent home via Parent Mail.

    Club information can be found here


  • Complaints

    The Complaints Procedure document can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Correspondence

    We send out regular Newsletters, usually on a Friday and these are also also published on our website here. We use Parentmail to send out letters, including information about trip/events. Paper copies are always available (via your child) if you do not have internet access or your printer ink has run out!  All information provided by parents is processed confidentially and used in accordance with GDPR guidelines.

    Parents will be sent joining instructions as part of the admissions process.  Please contact Mrs Harrod with any queries.

    Letters and reply slips should be sent in via the children to the class teachers. There is no need to queue up at reception! If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please phone: 01252 615428 or email: Parent@allsaints-fleet.hants.sch.uk to ask for the teacher to contact you. Alternatively you can put a message in your child’s Reading Diary. If you need to see the teacher urgently, please come to the School Office.


  • Crew Groups

    Every pupil is put in a Crew Group. We have six at All Saints.

    More information can be found on the Crew page under the Character Education tab. Click here to go there


  • Curriculum

    At All Saints, the national curriculum is taught through a cross-curricular approach.

    We are passionate about learning through first-hand experience as this helps to ensure that each child engages in their learning and gains a rich variety of skills, knowledge and understanding.

    To this end, children have the opportunity to take part in regular school visits and benefit from a range of visitors to school.

    The curriculum overviews can be found on the Year Group pages under the Curriculum tab.


  • Cycling/Scootering to School

    There are bicycle racks at school. Children should dismount at Gate B and walk their bike/scooter to the rack. Please bring a lock/padlock and securely lock your bicycle or scooter. The school cannot accept any responsibility for cycles or scooters left on the school site.

    Children who cycle/scooter must wear a helmet.


  • Day Timings

    The school gates open at 8.30am and the register is taken at 8.45am.

    Morning session: 8.45am to 12noon (15 minutes break at 10.30am)

    Afternoon session: 1.00pm to 3.15pm


    The school day is 6 hours and 30 minutes long.

    The school week is 32 hours 30 minutes long. 


    Children must not arrive at school before 8.30am unless they are attending the Breakfast Club. 

    Please drop children off at the gates to walk in by themselves. This helps to develop their independence and there are always staff on duty around the school site.

    Children are permitted into their classroom to work quietly until registration if they so wish.

    School finishes at 3:15 pm and all children should be collected at the school gate at this time unless they are attending an after school club or are booked into Koosa Kids.


  • Dinners

    Our school caterers are award-winning caterers Education Catering, managed by Hampshire County Council, formerly known as HC3S.

    Our lunch menus are available on the Hampshire website - click here to open the schools menu pageFor more information about Education Catering - click here 

    Every morning at registration, the day’s menu choice is announced and each child books their choice between a hot meat meal and a hot vegetarian meal option. When they get to the Hall for lunch, they are given a red plate or a green plate depending on their choice that morning.

    Children arriving late to school have to book their meal at the School Office.

    Provision is also made for children to eat packed lunches in the hall under supervision.

    The cost of a school dinner is £3.20 per day.  Dinners can be paid for by the week or half term. Please pay on Monday either on line at www.scopay.com or by cash or cheque (payable to HCC), in a sealed envelope labelled ‘Dinner Money’ with the child’s name and class.

    If your child is ill or is on a school trip, the money you have paid is carried over to the next week/half term.

    For information on Free School Meals, please click here.

    Dinner Money Debts

    All dinner money should be paid for in advance of school meals being booked.  Any children with a debt of more than £26.00 will not be able to book further meals until the debt is cleared.


    We have a number of children who have allergic reactions to eating particular foods, some of them even just by close contact with that food. 

    We would therefore like to remind you that packed lunches or snacks should not contain nuts of any kind, peanut butter, chocolate spread (if it contains nuts) or bread that has sesame seeds on.  

    Please do check all ingredient lists on items for lunch boxes/snacks.

    Because of the breadth of food types that children can be allergic to can we ask you please to explain to your child that lovely as it is to share, they must not share their food with other children.


    Special Diets

    Medical special diets are prepared for children at Education Catering schools who have been advised to avoid certain food by a medical professional. Special diets are managed through our dedicated special diet portal, found here.


    Break Times

    Children may bring a healthy snack, such as a piece of fruit, to eat during the morning break.



  • Educational Visits

    We regard our educational visits as a vital part of your child's education, as they often form an integral part of the work being undertaken by the children at school.
    Year 4 and Year 6 have the opportunity to go on residential visits, which enable them to spend some time away from home and learn from a different environment. The existence of these activities in the curriculum does, however, depend upon parents willingness to help bear the cost, as we may only ask for voluntary contributions.
    We cannot demand payment, nor can a child be excluded from an activity, but if insufficient parents contribute, the trips cannot take place.

    Go to Payments in this A - Z list to find out how to pay.


  • Equalities

    Our Schools Equality Policy can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Facebook

    We have an 'All Saints Parents' private page where we can share information, ask questions, give advice and recommendations etc. Three staff members are the admin and if we can answer questions we will. 



  • Governors

    The school has a board of fourteen governors. They meet frequently throughout the year to carry out their duties.

    There is a Governor's page under the Information tab with more information. 

    Click here to go there


  • Homework

    All children are members of the school library and may take library books home in a clean bag. At All Saints we believe that regular reading at home is extremely important to every child.

    All classes will be set homework on a regular basis. This is usually connected to their topic. Children are also required to practise their multiplication tables and spellings at home weekly. Each child has a homework diary, which parents are asked to sign regularly. Additional homework projects are available for children in all Year Groups if parents wish their children to take part.

    We hope parents will help and support their children with this homework. The main purpose of homework is to enhance the children's learning and, in the long term, help them become used to the discipline of homework in preparation for secondary school.

    Individual hobbies and interests are obviously very important to children’s development and these naturally complement and enrich the individual's experience in school.

    Our Homework Policy can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Illness, Medicines and Accident Procedure

    If your child is ill, ring or email the school as soon as possible on 01252 615428 or Parent@allsaints-fleet.hants.sch.uk

    Leave a short message on our answer phone giving us your child’s name, class and reason for absence.

    If your child has been sick, please leave a period of 48 hours after the last bout before returning to school.


    Our school has trained first-aiders who are able to deal with minor problems. In the event of a more serious accident or illness, you will be contacted immediately, so please ensure we have a contact number at which you can be reached in case of emergency. Please indicate on the admission form any special condition relevant to your child so that an Individual Health Care Plans can be put in place for their care in school.

    If prescribed medication is required during the school day, please complete a consent form and leave the item in the correct dosage with the School Office (not the class teacher), clearly marked with the child's name and the time it should be administered. Children must not carry medicine around with them during the day, except for inhalers for asthma. Medical inspections (with parents present) are carried out by the school nurse for selected children each term.


  • Inclusion

    A number of children experience some form of learning barrier during their school life. Children may have a variety of Special Educational Needs and we are committed to a programme of early identification.

    Once needs are identified, they are recorded in the SEN register and children having special needs, with or without statements, will be supported in a number of ways.

    They may be taught individually, within small groups or supported within the class by a Teaching Assistant. We also take recommendations from a number of specialists who advise the school. We firmly believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach his/her potential and will make every effort to provide appropriate support for individuals.

    Our Special Educational Needs Policy can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • INSET Days

    2023 - 2024

    Friday 1st September 2023

    Monday 30th October 2023

    Tuesday 2nd January 2024

    Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July


  • Internet Safety

    We have a list of helpful websites on the Reports, Results & Info page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Letters from School

    The Weekly Bulletin is produced on Fridays and sent home via Parent Mail. It contains a wealth of information about what's happened that week, forth coming events, clubs and a message from our Head Teacher etc. Current and previous Weekly Bulletins can be found on the Weekly Bulletins page under the News and Dates tab. Click here to go there

    Additional letters are sent home as a hard copy or electronically via Parent Mail.
    If you would like to join Parent Mail to receive letters by email please contact the School Office on 01252 615428, email Parent@allsaints-fleet.hants.sch.uk or in person.


  • Library

       Reading is an important part of life at our school and children are all actively encouraged to take part in the school reading challenges where certificates are awarded for every 15 books read. 

       In Upper School, we have the popular individual and team reading challenges where the children complete a variety of tasks all associated with reading.

       At All Saints, we are extremely fortunate to have a large library of over 10 000 books for the children to enjoy.  Our non-fiction section encompasses all the books the children will need for their topic work in school from Romans to Tudors and beyond, but the selection does not stop there.  From Guinness World Record books to books about every kind of sport and hobby and autobiographies about people who shape our world today, there is something for everyone.

       We are especially proud of our fiction books at All Saints. These are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that in addition to traditional literature, we stock the latest popular fiction. The children play a large part in selecting new books for our library and we always welcome their suggestions and recommendations. 

       We also hold book fairs each year in the Autumn and Summer Terms to give children and parents alike the opportunity to buy books from a range of current fiction and non-fiction titles.  


     In addition to our wide range of fiction, and within the fiction library, we have four further sections: 

    • Picture Books and Graphic Novels: these range from simple introductory stories to more complex texts enjoyed by children throughout the school
    • Pale Blue Readers: these are shorter texts, often accompanied by illustrations that provide a stepping stone between infants and juniors for our Year 3 pupils.  Not exclusively for Year 3s, these books are read by children across the years.
    • Year 6 Books: we recognise the need to prepare our Year 6 children for senior school and provide a selection of more challenging texts that will help with this transition. As some of these texts do deal with current issues, you are most welcome to visit the library to view the books and advise us if you do not wish your child to read them.
    • Plays and Puzzles: tremendously popular with all children, we have a variety of play scripts designed for junior aged children and ad-hoc performances take place in the library on a regular basis.  Puzzle Adventure books are also a popular resource and available to borrow from the library.

     It is our aim to encourage the use of the library at all times making it a welcoming and friendly environment in which to read, meet and work.  During the summer, children are able to take books outside and enjoy reading in the Reading garden and our growing library of CD books is available to all children each lunchtime where they are able to meet in groups to listen to a favourite story.

     Whether to read, browse, work or meet, our library is open to all and we look forward to your visit.

    You can also borrow free ebooks through an Sora hosted by Hampshire Schools Library Service.

    The ePlatform has a collection of eBooks and audio books which can be borrowed.

    The platform can be accessed through the internet or via an app on mobile devices.


  • Mobile Phones

    Year 6 children who walk to school on their own are permitted to bring a mobile phone to school. The phone must be turned off and handed to their teacher as soon as they get to school (where it will be stored securely) and it will be returned at hometime.


  • Money and Valuables

    Children should hand in any money to their class teacher on arrival in the morning, in a sealed envelope marked with the child's name, class, subject of the payment and the amount. Please endeavour to send the correct amount.

    We discourage children from bringing valuable items into school but where this is necessary, e.g. musical instruments, please make sure your personal insurance policy will cover any loss or damage at school.


  • Music Lessons and instrumental Information

    We have a thriving musical curriculum at All Saints and we aim to give all children who would like to, the opportunity to play a musical instrument.

    We employ peripatetic instrumental music teachers who visit the school on a weekly basis to teach the children brass, woodwind, keyboard, guitars, string and percussion instruments.

    Parents are required to make a financial contribution towards the cost of these lessons, although families who are eligible for FSM may be entitled to support under our Charging and Remissions policy.

    Where a place is not immediately available, children will be placed on a waiting list.

    From September the cost is £95.00 per term.

    The timetable is:

    • Monday - Keyboard and Woodwind
    • Tuesday - Singing, Violin and Woodwind
    • Wednesday - Percussion 
    • Thursday - Keyboard, Cello, Guitar and Brass
    • Friday - Guitar


    Percussion lessons are run by Tom Vincent, please contact him directly to book, click HERE  

    Guitar lessons are run by Jason Riordan, please contact him directly to book, click HERE  


    Go to Payments in this A - Z list to find out how to pay.


  • OFSTED Reports

    The Ofsted and Diocese reports can be found Reports, Results & Info page under the Information tab. Click here to go there

    The Ofsted report can also be found on the Ofsted website.  Click here to go there.


  • Open Days for New Parents

    Join us in the school hall for a short talk about what makes All Saints a special place for your child to grow. Afterwards our Year 6 Ambassadors will take you on a tour of our school and answer all your questions. Our Senior Leadership team will be available to also chat with.


    Dates and more information can be found on our Year 2 Parents page under the Information tab. Click here to go there.



  • Pastoral Care

    Christian values permeate everything the school does which enables all learners to flourish as confident, self-assured young people.


  • Parents Helping in School

    Help in School

    The education of your child can be enriched and supported by parents who come and assist in school and we welcome parental help at All Saints.

    There are many ways that parents (and other family members) can become involved, such as supporting ASSA who raise funds for us or by helping in school.

    Under present regulations all parent helpers will be required to have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check before working in school. We are always delighted to hear from parents/family members who are willing to gain a DBS check and to spend any time helping in school.

    You will need to commit to a regulated activity twice a week or four times in 30 days.

    If you are able to do this, please contact the school office.


    We aim to establish a partnership with each family, because we see the education of children as a joint process. All parents are welcome in our school and you should feel able to contact the school at any reasonable time, either by coming in person, (preferably by appointment), or by telephone, email or letter.

    When your child has been admitted to our school, you are required to complete a form giving details of your full address, home telephone number, work numbers and also the name and telephone number of a friend in case we cannot contact you in an emergency. Please let the school know of any changes to these details so that our records can be kept up to date.

    During the year there are parents' evenings and end of project outcomes, which give you a chance to see your child's work and progress. Should you or your child's teacher have cause for concern, an appointment can be made to discuss the matter.



     The staff and governors of All Saints C. of E. Junior School consider it to be the right of all children to lead their lives in safety and be protected from abuse. Therefore we seek to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our pupils through a range of measures which support a culture of safeguarding. Click here for our safeguarding page.


  • Payments

    All payments can be made on line at www.scopay.com or via the Scopay app. We also accept payments by cheque or cash.

    Cheques should be made payable as follows:

    School day trips            -         All Saints Junior School Fund

    Book Fair                     -          Payment directly to The Book People

    Cooking lessons           -           H.C.C.

    Music lessons               -           H.C.C.

    School meals                -          H.C.C.

    Residential trips           -          H.C.C.

    Purchase of curriculum items (Revision guides/scripts) - H.C.C.

    When payments are made on line, if you are paying for items to HCC and All Saints Junior School together, you can do so, however, you will be asked to check out twice with your payment details. This is because some money is going to Hampshire County Council (HCC) and some money is going to the school (All Saints Junior School).



    Scopay has a mobile app where you can pay for dinners, trips and music. Using SCOPAY allows you to top up your child’s account anywhere, anytime using a credit or debit card.  All parents have access to SCOPAY, if you have not yet registered to make online payments, please let the office know and an access code will be issued to you.


    Click here to login






    To find out more, visit www.scopay.com

    If you have any problems with Scopay try their wiki page  https://scopay.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SCOPAY/overview


  • PE

    Physical Education at All Saints aims to promote a healthy active lifestyle, aesthetic movement and the development of positive attitudes through a range of safe and enjoyable physical activities.

    Children are taught: games, including football, cricket, netball, rounders and rugby, gymnastics, dance, athletics, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming. Click here to visit the PE curriculum page.

    For PE uniform information see the Uniform section. Click here to go there


  • PE Premium

    For information about how we spend our PE Premium can be found on the Pupil Premium page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Performance of our School
  • Prayer Space

    A ‘Prayer Space’ is very simply, but very powerfully, an area that has been transformed from its everyday use and committed to prayer and reflection through a range of tasks that encourage us to explore themes and values whilst reflecting on both ourselves and others. 

    Prayer space has been described by our school children as “a peaceful place to reflect to God” and as “a place where all of your stress goes away” so any time dedicated to a prayer space is incredibly precious in the business of life.

    Click here to go to our Prayer Space page.


  • PTA - ASSA

    We are very fortunate to have a very active PTA known as ASSA (All Saints School Association).

    They organise many events such as a Christmas and Summer Fair, Discos, Family Bingo Nights, a Quiz Night, Mothers' and Fathers' Day Sales etc.

    The money raised goes towards theatre groups, author visits and projects such as the ICT Suite and Round House.

    Go to our ASSA page under the Information tab to find out more and see photos of their events and what the money has been spent on. 

    Click to go there


  • Pupil Premium

    Information and the report can be found on the Pupil Premium page under the Information tab.

    Click here to go there


  • Policies

    Our policies can be found on the Policies page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Reading Lists

    We have compiled a reading book list for each year group. They have been compiled by our teaching teams and are designed to complement our curriculum while challenging and engaging pupils. We stock many of them in our school library, but not all.

    The list, with descriptions, can be found on the Reading for Pleasure page under the Curriculum tab and also on each Year Groups English page under the Curriculum tab.  Click here to go there

    Coming soon...

    You will be able to borrow free ebooks through an ePlatform called Sora, hosted by Hampshire Schools Library Service.

    Sora has a collection of books which can be borrowed and also an eAudio facility.

    The platform can be accessed through the internet or via an app on mobile devices.



  • Religious Education

    We regard Religious Education as very important in the life of our school. Every child is expected to adopt a Christian attitude which encourages a happy and caring atmosphere. The discovery of a living faith in God can be a source of tremendous comfort and security in a world where moral and spiritual values are constantly changing.

     The syllabus is set by the Diocese of Guildford and has much in common with the current Hampshire agreed syllabus. The clergy of Fleet and Church Crookham visit the school regularly to take assemblies and to lead special services. Parents have the right to request their child's withdrawal from acts of Religious Education.


  • Safeguarding

    Click here to go to our Safeguarding page for more information

    At All Saints we are fully committed to our children’s safety in school.

    • All visitors and parents must come into school by the main entrance only. Please sign in and take a Visitors’ Badge.
    • Side gates and doors will be locked from 8:50 am each morning.
    • Children leaving for appointments during the school must be signed out at reception by an adult.
    • All volunteer helpers in school must hold a current DBS certificate.
    • All children in after-school clubs should be collected from gate A or B, please check with your club leader.
    • Please do not park in the disabled bay unless you are authorised to do so.
    • If your child has been absent from school due to illness, please ensure that they are fully recovered before sending them back to school.

  • SATs Results

    Our SATs results can be found on the Reports, Results & Info page under the Information tab. Click here to go there


  • Sex Education, PSHE and Citizenship

    We believe that the children’s social, emotional and spiritual development is key to a successful education and therefore, PHSE and Citizenship permeate our curriculum. Through these vital areas, we aim to help our children grow in confidence, form lasting friendships, reject any form of bullying and learn about healthy lifestyles.

    The school governors have decided that, as part of the broader spectrum of personal and social education, sex education will be included within a carefully planned health education programme. Our approach is to help children to understand ‘growing up’ and we teach sex education in the context of family life and moral values. Parents will be informed and invited to view any educational videos before they are shown to the children.



    Mrs Natalie Emery - Lower School SENCO

    Mrs Carley Barrett - Upper School SENCO

    Mrs Linda Huck - SENCO Admin Support

    Our SENCO team can be contacted via email send.team@allsaints-fleet.hants.sch.uk or by calling the school office on 01252 615428.


  • SEND Information

    The SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)  Information Report can be found on the Reports, Results & Info page under the Information tab. Click here to go there

    Click here to go to the Local Offer webpage


  • Steps to Awesomeness

    Our Steps to Awesomeness programme, celebrated nationally as an example of Character Education, is an embedded part of life at All Saints and undertaken by every child.  Our steps, born out of well-being and character education research, are: Appreciation, Courage, Exercise, Goals, Kindness, Participation, Positivity and Service.  All of which are inextricably woven with our School Values: Love, Perseverance, Community and Respect.  At the heart of our character education scheme, and inspired by Galations 5:22 'The Fruits of the Sprit', is our commitment to the ways in which we can all grow and ripen as individuals.

    Click to go to our Steps to Awesomeness page.


  • Term Dates

    Term Dates for Hampshire schools can also be found on the Hampshire website. Click here to go there.

    and on our Term Dates page under the News and Dates tab. Click here to go there


  • Transfer to Secondary School

    The majority of children at All Saints will continue their education at either Calthorpe Park or Court Moor School. Close links are maintained with these schools, thereby helping the children to make a smooth transition.

    Prior to the transfer of children to the secondary stage, parents of all children concerned will receive a booklet prepared by the Assistant County Education Officer, outlining the provisions for secondary education in the area.

    Should you be undecided on the choice of school for your child, the Headteacher would be happy to discuss the options open to you.

    Click on a name to go to that school's website...


    Local Hampshire maintained schools:

    Calthorpe Park Secondary School  

    Court Moor Secondary School

    Robert May’s school

    Cove Secondary

    Bohunt Farnborough

    Yateley School


    Local Independent schools:

    Farnborough Hill

    St Nicholas School

    Salesian College

    Lord Wandsworth College


  • Travelling to School

    Children are encouraged to walk to school, but should they be brought by car, you are requested to park safely and be careful not to block the driveways of private houses. In particular you must not park at the crossroads of Lea Wood Road, Merivale, The Lea or on the approach road to the school gates. Please do not park in any bay/area that is marked Residents’ Parking/Disabled Parking only.

    We need to ensure the children's safety and because parking space is limited within the school grounds, we request that parents do not bring their cars on to the school site, especially at the beginning and end of the school day.

    Cycling Safety training is available for Year 6 children at various times of the year.


  • Uniform

    See our Uniform page under the Information tab    Click here to go there

  • Useful Addresses

    Diocesan Director of Education
    Education Centre,
    The Cathedral, Guildford, 
    Surrey GU2 5UP
    Tel: 01483 450423


    Hampshire Children’s Services
    The Castle, Winchester,
    Hampshire, S023 8UG
    Tel: 01962 846452


    Children’s Services Local Office
    Birch House, Barley Way,
    Ancells Farm Business Park,
    Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2YB
    Tel: 01252 812333


  • Useful Websites

    There are some useful website links on the Reports, Results & Info page under the Information tab.

    Click here to go there


  • Values

    Our school vision ‘Let Your Light Shine’ shapes the umbrella that lifts above our school values: Love, Perseverance, Community and Respect. Founded in collaboration with children, staff, parents and governors, our school values, rooted in Christian ethos, have been depicted in a wordle cross that can be found all around the school.  At the heart of all we do, it is our aspiration that our children will live out our values both now, in school and at home, and later as they journey on in life.  Our curriculum has been designed with our values in mind.

    Click here to go to our Values page.


    Steps to Awesomeness

    Our steps to awesomeness programme fits in with our school values. It is a wellbeing programme designed to help children grow in confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy and happiness!

    The eight steps are: Kindness   Appreciation   Positivity   Courage    Goals    Exercise    Participation    Service

    It is based on research into what makes us happy and takes the form of a booklet which children complete at bronze, silver and gold levels. Once they have competed the steps, they receive an ‘awesome’ badge to wear on their uniform.


    British Values

    The Department for Education states that there is a need:

    “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.

    The Department for Education defines British Values as follows:

    •Respect for democracy and support or participation in the democratic process

    •Respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England

    •Support for equality of opportunity for all

    •Support and respect for the liberties of all within the law

    •Respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs


    All Saints we believe that we reflect British values in all that we do.  Through the curriculum and a whole range and variety of extra-curricular activities and events, we encourage our children to be creative, unique, hardworking, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community, the UK community and the wider world.


    We actively prepare children for life in modern Britain in the following ways:


    All children are encouraged to explore and express their views on a variety of topics through the curriculum.  We have a school council which is consulted on meaningful issues for the school and children’s views are regularly sought through pupil conferencing and surveys.

    The principle of democracy is explored in the curriculum as well as during assemblies and special days.  Issues such as the Scottish referendum and the general election are discussed in assemblies as well as in class.

    Rule of Law

    School rules and expectations are clear. There are charters in each classroom which children discuss and sign up to. The discussions help children to understand that rules are there to govern and protect us and that everyone has a responsibility to abide by them. If the rules are broken, the traffic light system for behaviour management is used. This is clearly displayed in all classrooms.

    Children enjoy visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service, Safer Hart team etc. to help reinforce the that living under the rule of law is essential for their own wellbeing and safety.

    Individual Liberty

    Within school, pupils are actively encouraged, and given the freedom to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. There are a range of extra-curricular clubs and opportunities which children are actively encouraged to try through our Steps to Awesomeness programme.

    ‘I Can’ projects in class, Steps to Awesomeness, e-safety teaching, PSHE lessons, the school values and assemblies based on Christian values are all examples of how children are supported to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

    Through our use of the RRR agenda, children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and to respect those of others.

    Vulnerable pupils are protected and stereotypes challenged.  A strong anti-bullying culture is embedded in the school and any form of bullying is challenged and addressed.  The school governing body is taking an active role in this.

    Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

    All Saints is a Christian school for children of all faiths and none.

    Equality and community are two of our core values. Children understand that our local, national and global communities are made up of people with a range of beliefs and ways of life. This diversity is something we celebrate.

    We are a Right Respecting School and children know and understand that they are expected to show respect to everyone, adults and children.

    We have a link with Latymer All Saints School in London which promotes children’s understanding of diversity within the UK.

    Our Learning Through Friendship project linking us with a school in The Gambia helps children to acquire a deep understanding of, and respect for, other cultures and ways of life.

    Children also learn about different faiths and cultures through the curriculum. Members of different denominations faiths, philosophies or religions are invited to school to share their knowledge and enhance learning within assemblies and in class.


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