Year 4 Summer Term
Launched by a school fair experience, our children start their summer term ready to make a difference as they embark on their first project ‘Is water everywhere?’. This year, our Year 4 children will be raising money for WaterAid who provide drinking water and decent toilets for many communities around the world. Through the learning of persuasive techniques in adverts, posters and letters, our children will reach out to our local community – raising awareness of worldwide water distribution whilst also encouraging reflection and appreciation. A project filled with youth social action and community impact!
Next onto the ancient banks of the River Nile, our children will soon find themselves deep in the Valley of the Kings as they explore ‘Is it ever right to take something that doesn’t belong to you?’. Started by the fascinating artefacts on exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum, our children will learn about ancient Egyptian life and death, exploring this ancient civilisation and their lasting impact on the world - filled with, in the words of Howard Carter, 'wonderful things'.
Please scroll down to see an overview of each Learning Adventure: